A gift from the heart

done with heart...
Valentines Day symbolises true love. Contrary to popular belief, V-day is considered in the domain of romantically inclined. However, V-day is a festival that celebrates relationships in all form. Whether is be friends or family, there is no limit to love and its expression. A wonderful gift to your loved one would be a beautifully packages box of delicious cupcakes or exquisite desserts that would help to transcend your treasured feelings towards him or her. Perfect for a girlfriend/boyfriend, best friend, teacher or even your mum. As they say, 'yumminess can cover up for a multitude of sins'

Besides the cupcakes. Other packages would be offered as well.


a collection of exquisite desserts that are bound to send your taste buds on a whirlwind journey. Created to tease the senses with different textures and flavors and made to impress. This would be the perfect gift for anyone adventourous or in possession of a sweet tooth. Be prepared to be spell bound by a whirlwind of flavors. (served in handmade and personalised boxes tied together with organza ribbon to add tt magic finishing touch.)

1) Cheese baked brownies
2) Raspberry custard tart
3) Snow hearted white chocolate cake
4) Chocolate mousse with earl grey tea
5) Chocolate Macha cheesecake

(a box of 5 desserts at $25) prices are tanglible and may be subjected to further discounts

"love for cheese"

definitely for hard-core cheesecake lover. this lovely little package includes an exclusive collection of 5 different flavored cheesecakes all in mini sizes to tickle the palate. Unique, this collection would feature several unconventional yet exotic flavors that you'll never find in any cafe. Try it and be intriguied by the intensity and richness.

  1. Chocolate Macha Cheesecake
  2. Coffee Rum Cheesecake
  3. Toasted Hazelnut Cheesecake
  4. Summer Berry Tiramisu
  5. Calamansi Mango Cheesecake

(a box of 5 cheesecakes for $28) Price is tangible and may be subjected to further discount

To all interested, please try to place your orders as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Please also note that the usual cakes would still remain on sale.

On special note, collaboration with anthology are on the way. So do look out for better packages on the way!

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